
Bhaktivinoda Thakura

amnayah praha tattvam harim iha paramam sarva-saktim rasabdhim

tad-bhinnamsams ca jivan prakrti-kavalitan tad-vimuktams ca bhavad

bhedabheda-prakasam sakalam api hareh sadhanam suddha-bhaktim

sadhyam tat-pritim evety upadisati janan gauracandrah svayam sah

1. Pramana: The teachings of the Vedas received through guru-parampara are known as amnaya. The infallible evidence of the Vedas, of the smrti-sastras headed by the Srimad-Bhagavatam, as well as evidence such as direct sense perception (pratyaksa), that concur with the guidance of the Vedas, are all accepted as pramana (evidence). This pramana establishes the following prameyas (fundamental truths):

2. Parama-tattva: Sri Hari alone is the Supreme Absolute Truth.

3. Sarva-saktiman: Sri Krsna is the possessor of all potency.

4. Akhila-rasamrta-sindhu: He is the ocean of nectarean mellows.

5. Vibhinnamsa-tattva: Both the mukta (liberated) and baddha (conditioned) jivas are His eternally separated parts and parcels.

6. Baddha-jivas: Conditioned souls are subject to the control and covering of maya.

7. Mukta-jivas: Liberated souls are free from maya.

8. Acintya-bhedabheda-tattva: The entire universe, consisting of the conscious (cit) and unconscious (acit), is Sri Hari’s acintya-bhedabheda-prakasa, that is to say, it is His manifestation which is inconceivably both different and non-different from Him.

9. Suddha-bhakti: Pure devotional service is the only practice (sadhana) to attain perfection.

10. Krsna-priti: Transcendental love and affection for Krsna is the one and only final object of attainment (sadhya-vastu).


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