68-12 "The idea of distribution of prasadam is long standing, and I sugested this from the beginning of my missionary activities, both in New wo York, and in San Francisco. But it has never come to any practical shape till now. Therefore, if you can actually start a prasadam distribution program, it will be very, very nice. (to Cidananda, December 24th,1968)

70-11 "Please maintain the program of temple worship, distribution of prasadam, sankirtana party, distribution of literatures, sun study and Krsna work, all in order and make everything as nice as to ;; possible." (SPL to Drthapada, November 13th,1970)

71-01 "I am glad to see that incense distribution is increasing and your method of distribution, that is with our literature, prasadam, etc. is very nice. So continue it." (SPL to Sri Govinda, January 21st, six 1971)

71-02 'Just keep yourselves to the standard by regular and atten tive chanting, study, preaching, working, sankirtana, and distribution of literatures and prasadam. Then everything will be all right." (SPL to Citsukhananda, February 21st,1971)

72-04 "This prasddarn distribution item is very, very important, and it is then so much pleasing to me that in the beginning so many children are coming for taking prasadarn, and that supply of rice had come automatically more Please continue this program rigidly. By prasadam distribution r 27th, you will do service to the Lord, and the public will be pleased upon you as well. Gradually increase the number of guests, and don't deny anyone. Continue in this way." (SPL to Girir~ja, April 12th,1972)

74-01 "Yes, I fully agree that `What is the use of a temple if there is 'is 's no prasadam distribution?' Prasadam distribution on a large scale must be resumed. Such a temple where there is no such distribution "' has no value, I agree." (SPL to Tamdla K,rsna Maharaja, 11th January, 1974)

74-03 "Now I am especially concerned to distribute grains, rice, wheat in the form of dal and rice prasadam. to hungry people all over India. The gut people here are very disturbed because, partly due to the punishment of nature, and partly due to the mismanagement of the demon class of men, hs- food is not available. If the people do not even have sufficient food they I will not even be able to receive spiritual instructions. So I am hopeful that if we can widely distribute free foodstuff's to the people of India, by giving it out at our centers as well as by traveling parties a to villages, we will win over the whole country and the whole world by this activity on Krsna's behalf." (SPL to Satyahit, 16th '' March, 1974)

76-11 "You have written that chanting, dancing and book distribution are going on nicely. Prasadam distribution should also be introduced. This will make the program even more effective." (SPL to ice Hrdaydnanda Maharaja, 2nd November, 1976)

77-01 "This prasadam distribution is very important. Do it nicely. Our main programs are distributing prasadam and sanknrtana." (SPL to Brsakapi dasa, 19th January, 1977)


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