Ajata-Ruci and Jata-Ruci Bhakti

Q. What exactly does "ajata" and "jata" mean when one speaks of ajata-ruci and jata-ruci bhakti?
A. Jata means "born." Jata-ruci is the condition in which ruci (spiritual taste) is born or has appeared within the devotee. Ajata-ruci is the condition in which ruci has not yet fully appeared within the devotee. Thus the ajata-ruci devotee is one who practices the principles of bhakti with a desire to attain spiritual taste. In some places you will also find the terms ajata-rati and jata-rati used. Rati means love or bhava. In either case ajata refers to the condition where deep spontaneous feelings for Krsna have not yet manifested in the heart of the devotee. To attain these feelings, a devotee must first purify his or her heart under the guidance of an elevated devotee of Krsna.

Jiva Goswami calls this stage ajata-ruci-raganuga. It is a mixed form of raganuga and vaidhi-bhakti, in which one's motivation to engage in raganuga-bhakti is somewhat dependent on the logic and scriptural references in support of its value. In this regard, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami says, satra-yukti nahi mane--raganugara prakrti: "The nature of raganuga sadhakas is that they do not care for sastra-yukti, or introspection on the nature of the scriptural conclusions." (Cc 2.22.153) Sriman Mahaprabhu also told Sanatana Goswami, sastra-yukti nahi ihan siddhanta-vicara ei svabhava-gune: "One whose attraction for Krsna is spontaneous has no use for sastra-yukti." (Cc 2.24.40) Of course, a raganuga sadhaka is dependent on the scripture for instructions as to how to execute his or her sadhana.


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